There are several more lightweight brutal versions that do a similar job with better performance such as MeatGrinder / Bolognese (All are available on the Launcher). These are replacement levels only and is not an IWAD, so these cannot be used as an IWAD to circumvent the need for an IWAD to use PWADs.īrutalized Hardcore - "Hell on Earth" edition. Brutal Doom is great fun and plays pretty well, but performance can be shaky, so you have been warned.

On a side note, playing this with vanilla Doom or Doom 2 is not recommended as there are some linedefs that utilize Boom style line actions so if one must play "pure", use a limit removing port such as Boom/prBoom as the bare minimum. The biggest difference between Brutalized and Hardcore Brutalized is that I fixed up all the unclosed sector errors (courtesy of id that went unnoticed and were extremely minor) and some goof ups of my own (the E2M6 lowering floor HOM near start) when I jacked up the difficulty for Hardcore, on top of additional edits to two later Doom 2 levels.
They are both playable with or without Brutal Doom but it increases difficulty twofold or threefold with the mod. Now with the Brutal Doom mod florishing, it made my original Doom Co-op very fun to play so what did I do? I further increased difficulty of the maps once for the standard Brutalized set but a second time for Hardcore Brutalized. This is a project that originally stemmed from a file I named "Doom Co-op" which started off way back in 2006 or 2007 with increased monster count more or less plus a few sound and minor graphics visuals but I eventually moved into actually adding new sections to both original sets of maps (except episode 4 of Doom) on top of making it suitable for single and co-op multiplayer.